Thursday, November 11, 2010

The economy is always the No. 1 issue

Lots of Democrats nationally, and a few locally, suffered during the recent election from the sorry fact of 10 percent unemployment.

Trying to argue that national Democrats inherited the Great Recession from the Bush Republicans, and did what they could to make things better, didn't convince many voters.

Because, as Atrios says, the priority remains, after almost two years of Democrats running the show, to "Fix the Economy":

"Here's my unsolicited advice for the administration and the Dems: fix the goddamn economy. At least outline a plan to fix it. If Republicans won't pass it, blame them.

"Alternatively, you could not fix the economy and try to get credit for 'cutting the deficit' or some other crap that no one actually gives a shit about, least of all teabaggers or Republicans."

Atrios' national-level advice applies to Democrats at the state, county and municipal levels -- do something effective to fix the economy.


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