Monday, March 28, 2011

Gibson's rookie flubs on talk radio

NY-20 Congressman Chris Gibson was on Al Roney's WGDJ-AM show Monday afternoon, and continued to make rookie mistakes.

For example, Gibson said that he agreed with the radical House Republicans who wanted to slash into the EPA budget because it had doubled under Obama.

The EPA did get some stimulus money, mostly for water and sewer infrastructure grants, but its budget rose from $7.8 billion in the last Bush budget to $10.3 billion in fiscal year 2010, and Obama has proposed a 2012 EPA budget of just under $9 billion.

Not even close to Gibson's fictional doubling.

Also, Gibson again promoted nuclear power, claiming that it would be safe and cheap. Ask the Japanese about that, or nuclear power executives who say they will not build a new plant without billions in federal loan guarantees.

Gibson also discussed the federal budget, and was in la-la land there, too.

He said the 2012 House budget will deal with the next 10 to 20 years, which is pure BS. Whatever the radical House Republicans come up with for 2012 will be modified by the Senate and will ONLY affect FY 2012.

Gibson's idea that one house of Congress' proposed budget for one year will affect budgets in the 2030s is absurd beyond words.

And patently unconstitutional.

Gibson's fictions and fantasies appeal to his far-right Tea Party base, and may help him politically.

But that does not change the fact that they are fictions and fantasies.


  1. Who is responsible for this bit of "journalism"? Mr. Anonymous Blogger?

    Anyway, I'd encourage people to actually listen to the interview as opposed to reading this tripe.

    Bloggers. Sheesh. I thought talk show hosts lacked journalistic integrity.

    At least Talk show hosts use names.

  2. The first thing a member of the opposition does is to try to find out the names of the people publishing a blog so he/she can attack them personally. That is why bloggers generally remain anonymous.

    You call our comment on Congressman Gibson's talk show appearance "tripe" and say we "lack journalistic integrity" however, you don't dispute what we said.

    Very telling.

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your opinions.

  3. Ironic that somebody who wants disclosure posts anonymously.

    Regardless of who you are, thank you for posting the link to talk1300. I was able to listen to the interview. Unfortunately, I lost my respect for Mr. Gibson after hearing this. I thought he had some integrity, but playing along w/ a shill lessened his stature.

    And frankly, the discussion of why a nuclear catastrophe isn't worth considering is scary. I respect that Mr. Gibson has done enough research to know what some fail-safes are, but to pooh-pooh it every happening in this country (which is how much bigger than all of Japan?) is to display a disregard that can only lead to the disasters we've already seen, not just in Japan but at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island (how are housing prices in that part of PA now, anyway?).

    Please, let's have an honest discussion, based on facts. We might not all agree on the solution, but let's not cast aspersions on the opinion holder just because we don't agree on the opinion.

    And yes, anonymous poster, I will fully disclose my name and dog in this fight, the second you do the same.
