Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bruno DINO in North Greenbush

The real Democrats in North Greenbush are supporting Charlie Smith for supervisor this year.

The "Democrats" who have been bought off by the Boss Bruno GOP machine (which still exists, despite Bruno's felony conviction) are supporting Al Spain, a "Democrat" who works for the Republican mayor of Troy and has endorsed Republicans in every election for years.

Spain is running for supervisor on the Republican, Conservative and Independence lines, all provided by the lingering Boss Bruno machine.

But like Republican Lou Desso last year, Spain wants the Democratic line too.

Because Boss Bruno machine hacks hate competition.

Most voters prefer a choice, at every election at every level.

Boss Bruno's buddies don't want a choice in North Greenbush -- they want to bamboozle good NG Democrats into supporting a Boss Bruno hack.

There will be a Democratic primary about this on Sept. 13.

Real Democrats will support the real Democratic candidate -- Charlie Smith -- and not the fake Democrat pimped by the Boss Bruno machine -- Al Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Why do the Republicans have to cheat to win?

    Oh yeah, because nobody really likes their policies.
